Baby Basics
Baby Basics
April 21st 9:45-11:00 AM @ Shopkeepers Gallery, sign up
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Designed for expecting families during mid-to-late pregnancy or families with a brand new baby. This class provides tips and strategies to set themselves up for a successful relationship with their baby. Class is same price for single or couple $25/family
Baby Care:
- Baby Cues
- Soothing techniques specific to your child
- Diapering- see and review cloth and regular diapers
- Swaddling -traditional as well as wearable swaddles
- Review and practice of some additional items on the market to try out, test, and see if they might be worth the cost
Baby Wearing:
- Understand benefits of baby wearing as well as it's contribution to baby's motor and social development
- Practice different baby wraps and carriers to see what might suit your family best, before investing money in a new one
- Understand optimal fit that supports alignment for both you and baby
Includes coffee and donuts and is a great chance to meet other families in the community!