Consultations are provided to daycares, preschools, nanny/nannyshares, and parents to understand age appropriate play and how to further facilitate play in all aspects of development, make toy recommendations, and possible identification of delays. Consultations are also available at schools to facilitate transition planning team and contribute their unique perspectives on a student’s strengths and weaknesses based on formal and informal assessments. As direct service providers and consultants, OTs and SLPs are powerful and necessary members of a team that is aiming to ensure our students develop the skills and use the strategies and accommodations to meet their potential in higher education, the workforce and their future as independent adults.
Location of service: All consults are provided at location of your choice (daycare, home, with or without nanny, local community space) depending on what suits your need.
Pricing: Consultations can observed and provide basic strategies at $150/hour or for a more formal write up with detailed recommendations and follow up visit $250 (one hour with one follow up). Consultations can include formal developmental testing as requested or informal observation.